DHA Insights: April 7, 2022


Illegal logging threatens the world's forests and unfairly harms our DHA members who produce sustainably. That's why DHA joined others to advocate for vigorous enforcement of the Lacey Act to reduce illegal timber. DHA's approach to illegal timber includes our American National Standard for Due Diligence in Procuring/Sourcing Legal Timber, ANS LTDD 1.0 2015.

As imports from Russia decline, it is not clear if domestic producers will be able to increase supply to prevent shortages. One challenge may be the proposed listing of the northern long-eared bat as endangered. Previous proposals to list the bat would have drastically reduced timber harvests—even though the bat fares better in managed forests. DHA will work with other associations to comment on the proposal.

If you have questions or comments, contact me. I look forward to hearing from you.

Keith A. Christman, President
Decorative Hardwoods Association