Commerce Sets New AD/CVD Rates For Hardwood Plywood & Flooring


The U.S. Department of Commerce has completed its review of hardwood plywood antidumping and countervailing duty rates for the 21 Chinese exporters and producers who requested a review. For these 21 companies only, the new combined duty rate is 14.95% (first review AD final) plus 23% (first review CVD final) plus 25% (301 tariffs), resulting in a combined rate of about 63%. All other Chinese companies remain subject to the 183% antidumping duty rates from the investigation.

The final results of the review of 2017 countervailing duty rates for multilayered wood flooring are Baroque Timber, 14.09%; Jiangsu Guyu, 122.92%; and all other non-examined companies, 20.75%, which will apply to most Chinese producers. The new rates will go into effect shortly and retroactively cover shipments during the 2017 review period. More than 150 Chinese companies are covered by the higher countervailing duty rate.

